What clients are saying
Dr Anthony Soyer The Diagnostic Clinic, London
“Seka has knowing where most of us operate from belief. The difference is that, through her life experience and exposure to thousands of grateful clients, she has refined an already impressive gift for healing into a profound and unique approach to life itself. There is certainty in her words and knowledge that only comes with maturity and wisdom, the refinement of a life given to healing”
Thuy, London
"Our son developed eczema from around 3 months. It started on the cheeks and then within weeks he was covered from head to toe. He was hospitalised with severe eczema. His eczema was flakey, red, inflamed and weepy. The steroid treatment made him worse and so we stopped it and tried to treat him using homeopathy and various natural creams.
He started his treatments with Seka in October 2015 and since then there has been a huge improvement with his skin, particularly on his face. He has had a few flare ups since October but they only lasted a few days and seem to be less and less severe each time.
We are very grateful for all the healing our son has received from Seka. Thank you Seka and Sara for all your help and support."
Louise, Surrey
'My surgeon was amazed at how the cornea had healed - it was well beyond his best expectations'
“Seka’s remarkable ability helped me last year when a viscous pseudomonas infection to my long damaged right eye resulted in the eye rupturing and emergency surgery was performed to effectively glue the cornea together.
I was told the best route was removal of the eye for which I was duly booked. However my corneal surgeon gave me hope that a graft (either an amniotic patch or a full corneal graft) could be considered instead but it would be likely temporary and we would have to wait 7 weeks for the cornea to heal behind the glue as much as possible. I cancelled the eye removal surgery and waited the 7 weeks - Meanwhile lovely Seka saw me many times to give bio-energy healing to my eye - in all the sessions I felt intense sensations in the eye and the eye watered greatly during the healing. When my surgeon then performed the amniotic membrane graft he told me immediately after surgery that when he removed the glue, he was amazed at how the cornea had healed - it was well beyond his best expectation and consequently he performed the less invasive of the two possible procedures. The eye continued over the following months to heal well - it was so far beyond my surgeons expectations that he is considering writing a medical paper on my case. He believes now that contrary to his original expectation I could keep the eye for the rest of my life. I am extremely grateful both to my surgeon and of course to Seka for her amazing ability to help heal my eye and enable me to keep it - I hope for the rest of my life.”
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Joely Richardson
'A friend of mine introduced me to Seka over a decade ago. I said "What exactly does she do?" And he replied "Oh you'll see". I still don't really know what it is exactly, I just know that I feel much better, and I recommend Seka to all my friends. Seka has a special gift, and a no nonsense approach to healing. We all run on energy, and it's our most precious asset.'
Greg Rusedski, Professional Tennis Player
'Seka has an incredible ability to help the body recover from injury- something I have experienced on several occasions. She also helps me boost my energy during periods of intense performance, making her a key member of my support team.'
Hazel Courteney, Health Journalist Of The Year
'Seka is an extraordinary healer. As a journalist, I have witnessed her healing abilities first-hand, and have interviewed some of her patients and, most importantly, also their doctors. The results she achieves with seemingly "incurable" patients, especially those with severe chronic fatigue, are remarkable. She is an amazing lady with an amazing story to tell.’
Andreea, London
My son Adam is 3 years old and he suffers from a extremely rare genetic condition called Trichothiodystrophy (severe form). Last year he was intubated and due to it he suffered a major brain insult. The doctors were very reserved about him and they didn't gave us much hope. We've been told that we won't be able to see the Adam that we knew before- extremely happy, vocal, full of joy. The brain insult came with infantile spasms and he also lost most of his abilities, including hearing and voice. I told them that I can't accept this and I won't give up until I will see my son smiling again.
I was desperate... everything was falling apart...I was begging the universe to help me... I started to do research about alternatives therapies and this is how Seka came into our lives!!! A life saver!!! I call her Adam's good fairy because due to her miraculous/ indescribable powers Adam is smiling again, his spasms have decreased considerably, he's more alert, he has gained weight. I can't explain/ stress enough the fact that Seka is a wonderful lady in all ways! I highly recommend Seka's bio-energy sessions.
Not only Adam has had the privilege to be treated by her- myself and daddy are the lucky ones to be treated and energised by Seka now too.
Ronnie O’Sullivan, Former Snooker World Champion
“Immediately after the first session I could feel a difference. It’s funny for me to hear myself say that after being so cynical, but I really could feel the change in my energy. By the end of the sessions I had so much more energy than when I’d started out- and not just physically. I was mentally more alert and found it easier to focus on my game. I was generally feeling healthier, and it was as if life had come back to me.”
Paul Mckenna, London/Los Angeles
"I have known and worked with Seka for over 20 years and have seen her help people, many of them sceptical, with all sorts of different problems, and consistently get extraordinary results."
Lisa, London
I see Seka for her energy boosting treatments whenever I feel run down or have any health concerns. She just seems to pick up on things easily and then quickly get my body back to it's happy state. She's helped me through my pregnancy so far now too. I'm always a big believer that the way natural is best - and you can't get more natural than Seka's Bio-Energy!'
Deborah, London
Since my treatments in March 2015, I have made a lot of good progress. After suffering from feeling very unwell and fatigued for more years than I care to remember, my relapses have been recently confined to one or two a year. However, I suffered a particularly bad virus before last Christmas and it brought on the worst relapse for years.
When I saw Seka I'd been continuously ill since December 2014 and very fed up with everything. As predicted, the first two days of treatments made me feel worse. I actually thought I'd made a huge mistake as the journey to her was taking it out of me and I didn't feel any better at all. In fact I felt worse.
By the third day she predicted I would start to feel better. I mentioned a horrendous headache I'd had every day since the virus in December and she concentrated more on my head that day. From the time I left her room to this day, I have not had one headache since.
I have been able to go back to the gym and do a proper gym routine again. In addition to this I have been doing yoga sessions four times a week. I am really enjoying it and feel my body is benefitting greatly.
Since my treatments a lot of my bodily aches and pains have disappeared. I seem to be sleeping better too. My head feels clearer - I had quite a lot of brain fog and lost a lot of confidence with this. I feel this is slowly returning.
Finally, I just feel a lot happier, sunnier in myself. Probably because my health has improved. I have a very stressful period of time approaching. My eldest son is taking exams at university and his twin brothers are just about to take their A Levels. But I do feel quite calm and not panicky as I usually do when the boys take exams.
I wanted to wait a while after my treatments as I feel I have experienced on-going changes in the past two months.
Thank you for helping to give me (and my family) my life back. I enjoyed the five sessions immensely and think you really helped me. I also really enjoyed your book. I found the chapter on M.E truly fascinating.
Celia, London
After many years of not being able to conceive naturally, I decided to visit Seka Nikolic. I initially had 4 consecutive treatment sessions with Seka. In the sessions and in the weeks immediately after I just felt much more relaxed, happy and confident. I remember always leaving the sessions with just a really positive mind. Within 2 months I fell pregnant. I could not believe it after being told for so long that I would never have a baby. Now I’ve had 2! Seka is a lovely and warm lady. Bio Energy is something that has become part of my life. From that day on, every time I feel I need to recharge the batteries, I go and visit Seka.
Marion, Staffordshire
I have had joint pain for the last 3 years. My symptoms include stiffness and swelling in the wrists, hands, ankles and feet, and often excruciating pain which could last for a period of weeks at a time. My condition degenerated over the last 2 years and as a result I required the aid of a stick when walking and I had extremely limited flexibility in both ankles, wrists and most fingers.
About 18 months before I saw Seka I was prescribed a series of weekly injections by the consultant but over time these had little effect and the known side effects caused nausea and toxins to upset my stomach.
I decided to come to visit Seka when recommended by a family friend who had a session with herb previously . I booked three consecutive sessions to see Seka in February 2010. During these sessions I could smell the toxins from the hospital injections leaving my body. After the first session I was amazed by the immediate results and within 30 minutes I was able to rotate my ankle, which I had not been able to do for some considerable time. The next morning I felt that I did not need my walking stick for the trip to Seka’s clinic and after the three sessions I was left with greatly increased movement in all my affected joints and the pain was significantly reduced. I actually travelled home with my walking stick packed away in my suitcase.
I was extremely pleased with the treatments and results from Seka, and I’m planning to only revisit Seka should the pain return.
Davorka, Australia
I suffered headaches since my teenage years. I had chronic head, neck and back pains. Furthermore, I had muscle pains and I was often very tired. Before I visited Seka, I was taking painkillers on average 4-5 days a week. Anything could trigger strong headache: stress, mild exercise, sitting in front of computer, being too hot or too cold… Because of overuse of painkillers over the years I become sensitive to them, so very often I would get sick and throw up. I felt like I was 80 years old, and very often I was miserable and gloomy. Doctors could not help me, they could only prescribe different medication.
I visited Seka twice, first in October 2008 and second in May 2010. Both times I travelled from Australia just to see her and each time I had block of five sessions.
During my first visit to London, I did not get any headaches at all. This was very unusual for me because I could not remember the time I was pain free five days in a row. Just to say that I took 4 painkiller tablets during my 20-hour trip from Australia to London.
After each session I could feel the enormous change. I felt fantastic, full of energy, I was able to spend all day walking, sightseeing London without even getting tired. Usually I would get headaches if I did something like that before. I could feel more and more flexibility in my back and neck.
One morning of my second visit to London I woke up with very bad headache, and I said that to Seka. After treatment my head was “clear”, pain was completely gone, and I felt wonderful!
During sessions I feet very relaxed, nice and sleepy. Sometimes I would feel like very light tingling at the back of my head, sometimes I would feel warmth, but nothing strange. I would describe it as very tranquil experience.
I feel very positive about it and I would recommend it to anyone suffering from chronic pain like I did. I felt sceptical when I first went to London, but I was so desperate that I had to do it, I did not have much to lose. Second time I was sure that I would get better, and I did, I can feel improvement every day. I feel very grateful that I found Seka and that she was able to help me.
Emma Wright, Warwick
For 6 years I suffered with chronic pains in my stomach. It is was extremely uncomfortable and my stomach swelled up making me look like I was eight months pregnant. I was frequently admitted to hospital and was on lots of medication and a very strict liquid-only diet.
I initially saw Seka for a block of 5 sessions, which helped me immensely. After that block and a few ‘top ups’ I was able to eat food again without constant pain and swelling of my stomach. I hadn’t looked and felt so good in years, my husband felt like he had his old Emma back.
In the sessions themselves, I felt movement in my stomach and I could feel heat. It was a very relaxed, soothing feeling. My tummy made noises. Seka told me it was very inflamed and that she would work on that first.
A few weeks after treatment I could eat a meal with my family without pain. I’d been under three hospitals: Warwick, Oxford and Nottingham who could not help me. I was waiting for a new drug which had horrible side effects. In fact the drug was never released in England because one of the side effects had been death. After Seka, I was pain free, drug free and no longer had a swollen stomach.
Before Seka I felt I had reached the end of the road. I was very depressed. She is the only person who has been able to help me and give me back my life.
Lyndsey, Scotland
My daughter was only 26 months when visiting Seka for the first time and was in lots of joint pain. When leaving Seka for the first time she could kneel and walk without discomfort. All the heat in her affected joints disappeared. Throughout the sessions she was very relaxed (which says something for a two year old!) and she looked forward to seeing Seka each time. Although, due to my daughters age there can still be flare up’s in her condition, there is a definite improvement from seeing Seka.
I completely trust in Seka’s abilities to help healing. The results particularly from the first block of sessions were astounding, I would definitely recommend her to others who have joint inflammation and pain.
Angelica Took, France
My health began to breakdown at 31 years of age. I went to the doctor for emotional stress and because my periods were so irregular (about 1 or 2 a year). The doctor found cysts on both my ovaries (an operation successfully removed them, but my periods still did not return) and osteoporosis in my lower spine due to the prolonged lack of periods (no medical help available due to my age). Two years later, I heard Seka interviewed on the radio and booked a course of 5 sessions in the hope that she could do something to cure my tiredness and hair loss (symptoms of my poor health that troubled me the most). I was quietly sceptical and did not tell her about my symptoms.
During the first session, Seka scanned my body, occasionally clicking her right hand to remove negative energy. As I got up to leave I said that I noticed she spent some time around my ovaries and just wanted to let her know that I’d had an operation there. She replied ‘Yes, but that’s not your problem. Your problem is your liver and your hormones’. I was so dumbfounded I didn’t even tell her she was right until 2 days later, but, suffice to say, any doubts I had about the genuineness of her gift were disappearing fast.
The thing that happened immediately was that my periods became regular. Then after about 6 months I went through a difficult phase where my periods came every 2-3 weeks. I experienced a few spots and mood swings that you’d expect from hormones, but I always knew it was my body fixing itself. Now, my hormones seem to be working as they should, which in turn has helped my joint pain. Over time, the treatment has also improved my sleeping, backache, breathing and vitality. Since, I have returned to Seka every few months for 2-3 sessions at a time. Very few things in life exceed expectations, but what Seka has given me has done just that. Quite apart from my health, Seka has helped remove so much of the stress that caused my health to suffer, thus bringing about such improvements in terms of anxieties, fears and negative thought patterns. I am still in the process of healing, it’s been a long journey for me, but I continue to improve each week and feel blessed to have learnt so much from Seka and experienced the incredible power of her Bio-energy gift for myself.
Richard Harrison
My experience with Seka came about following a frustrating period, in which I failed to fully recover from an ACL reconstruction in my left knee dating back to 2007. My knee never functioned correctly after the operation, it continued to be unstable, stiff, swollen, and painful; it forced me to seek a further operation in 2011 to ‘clean out’ the joint. Although this procedure stopped a ‘clicking’ sensation in the knee, it did not eradicate the pain, instability, and swelling that had become a constant feature. The consultant told me there was a complex tear in the cartilage which was causing the instability, there was nothing further he could do and he signed me off as a successful result! The final straw came six months later when the instability caused fresh damage to the same knee, an innocuous incident created extensive restriction and pain in the ligament on the outer side of the joint.
When the time came for my pre-arranged distance sessions with Seka, I wanted to give the therapy the best possible chance of working, so, I followed the advice of being relaxed and open to the healing energy. To put myself in the best possible frame of mind I did a little yoga and meditation before the treatment started, I also took onboard Seka’s words about it being a two way process.
Just before the start of the session I created a mental picture of Seka, I also gave thanks to her and the healing energy. My attitude was a very positive one, I was certain my health was about to improve, although I wasn’t hung up on the specifics of the healing. I said the following words in my head, “Thank you for the healing energy, I am open to receiving positive healing energy, I allow the energy to flow to where I need it the most”.
During the session I also imagined a constant flow of energy through the top of my head and repeated the same words several times. I encountered some strange but pleasant feelings throughout as I lay on the bed, at times I felt almost unable to move as a wave of energy engulfed my whole body. I also had tingling sensations in my knee, back, and wrist, but the strongest feeling was as if a ball of energy was resting on the bridge of my nose, just below the third eye. The feeling was similar to being in a mild trance as it seemed like time was suspended for the duration, without looking at a clock I knew the treatment was over as I suddenly became more awake and the feelings I experienced ended.
After a few minutes of gathering my thoughts, I walked around the house and immediately knew that something felt different about my knee. It wasn’t a miracle feeling but the knee seemed to function better, it felt less painful, and the swelling was visibly reduced. The changes were already a massive improvement on anything I had experienced in the previous five years. I completed two further distance healing sessions and I have to say I was amazed by the results. My knee improved beyond belief and continues to do so and feels stronger every day, the swelling has gone down and I can actually kneel down for the first time since my operation in 2007! My back and neck also feel so much better, several 'knots' have become smaller and my range of movement has improved dramatically.
Several weeks later I also took part in two free worldwide healing sessions provided by Seka. This involved a similar process to the individual sessions, apart from having to place my hands on a print out of Seka’s hands. This seems to have accelerated the healing process further and my health continues to improve daily, my experience with Seka has been nothing but positive and I cannot sing her praises highly enough. It has also confirmed to me there is much more to our existence than we are led to believe, in my opinion we need to move away from the limitations that are placed on us and explore our true potential further. Hopefully one day it will be seen as ‘the norm’ to visit practitioners such as Seka.
Tom Blake, London
I have worked as a banker in a world-wide corporation for the last 10 years,. Contrary to what people may believe - I work very long hours and would say my job, at times, is ‘immensely stressful’! When I first started I often worked up-to 14hours a day and would become completely consumed by my work. Fitting in sleeping, eating and exercise around my days was sometimes ridiculous. But even on the days/weeks where I left the office at a suitable time – I found my health was deteriorating rapidly. I always seemed to get colds and flus (sometimes 3 times a month), I was constantly agitated by the smallest things and my weight would fluctuate. I knew it was all down to the ‘stress’ of my job, but I didn’t want to quit something I had given so much time and energy too.
A friend recommended I see Seka. I was very sceptical, but figured I didn’t have much to lose - all the advice and medication from my doctor hadn’t helped anyway. I had 5 sessions over a week with Seka, where she lay her hands around my neck, head and shoulders and they made a strange clicking noise a lot. That week I slept for 12 hours each night and ate practically everything I saw! The following week after, I had awful headaches and pain in my neck. I called Seka and she said ‘This is good. Don’t worry, things are shifting- you’ll feel so better when things settle’. I was a little confused by this, until the next week when I woke up one day and felt like a different person.
I realised that I was released from aches, pains and a heaviness that I didn’t even recognise I’d had. I just suddenly felt light and energized. I even noticed that I started to feel positive and happy for no reason. Now, whenever this feeling wears off I go see Seka. Scheduling in a ‘top- up’ session every 3 months is like my ‘mantra’. I’m not sure how, but I know Seka’s treatments somehow counterbalance my ‘stress’!